Immerse insights:

  • New to Immerse? Not sure where to start? Here are some simple steps to launch you on your language learning journey after creating your Immerse account.
  • Step 1: Start with the Immerse placement tool so you know which level classes and practice scenes are optimal for you.
  • Step 2: Take the tutorial to practice moving around and interacting with objects and to get familiar with the language learning tools inside Immerse.
  • Step 3: Choose an AI practice scene and sign up for your first Immerse lesson - and get started speaking Spanish, English, or French!
  • Step 4: Determine your learning path.

Welcome to Immerse - we’re so glad you’re here!

Immerse is a unique language app that lets you learn Spanish, English, and French through live classes with teachers and other learners and also take advantage of the power of AI for practice

Looking for classes that fit your schedule and leave you with practical speaking skills every time? Check out our lesson schedule. 

Need more conversation practice? Immerse has AI-powered practice scenes you can visit alone or with other learners. 

Wish you knew more words? Visit our Commons area for some fun vocabulary-building games. 

A group of Immerse avatars celebrating a birthday party at a backyard picnic table with a whiteboard in the background
There's a lot to do in Immerse.

Immerse combines the effectiveness of language classes with the flexibility and convenience of a language app. You have the freedom to choose the times, the activities, and the topics you want to learn to talk about.

All that flexibility will ensure you get exactly what you need from Immerse, but if you’ve just signed up it may also leave you wondering where to begin. 

No worries! Here’s some advice on getting started on your language learning journey with Immerse.

Where do I start?

Four Immerse avatars dancing in front of a whiteboard
Welcome to Immerse!

There’s so much to do in Immerse, but if you’ve just joined our language community, we recommend you start with four simple steps.

Step 1: Find out your language level

The placement tool is an excellent starting point if you’ve just signed up to learn English, Spanish, or French with Immerse.  

The Immerse placement tool assesses your comfort level with a variety of communicative tasks in the language that you signed up to learn. Could you give someone directions to a nearby restaurant? Would you be able to describe the members of your family? 

Your answers to questions like these will let us show you which Immerse level to start at. (Don’t worry if you don’t know how to say anything yet - that just means you’re a perfect fit for our Foundations level!)

You can find the Immerse placement tool by opening the You tab on the left in your Homeroom and then clicking the Account button on the right.

The Immerse Homeroom with the You button highlighted on the left-hand menu
The Immerse placement tool is built right into your Homeroom - use it anytime to check your progress.

Step 2: Take the tutorial

The Immerse tutorial takes less than 5 minutes to complete, and it will set you up to use all of Immerse’s features. 

If you access the tutorial through a Quest VR headset, the tutorial will show you how to use your Quest controls to move around and access features like the backpack and the language scanner.

If you access the tutorial through the web application on your computer browser, the tutorial will show you how to use your computer keyboard to move around and access all of the same features.

Even if you’re an old hand at exploring virtual scenes from your keyboard or in a VR headset, Immerse has some special features you’ll want to know how to access, such as the notes your teacher sends you during class.

Step 3: Try out an AI role play and sign up for your first class

In your Homeroom, you’ll see a row of tabs down the left side of your screen as you face the mirror. 

The Immerse Homeroom with a column of buttons down the left that say Learn, Connect, Practice, Play, Tutorial, and You

Why so many options? 

Immerse is built around the four pillars of Learn (Classes), Connect (Events), Practice, and Play because the language educators and curriculum designers at Immerse know that in order to really learn another language, you need to learn and practice in a variety of different ways.

But if you’re trying out Immerse for the very first time, two good ways to start are by signing up for a class and doing an AI role play. 

Signing up for your first class

Classes happen seven days a week in Immerse, so you can start the day you sign up. 

Clicking on the Classes tab in your Homeroom will show you the lessons coming up in the next day. To see the complete schedule for the next week, log in at the Immerse website

Find a class at your level that meets at a time that’s convenient for you. Within a level, classes can be taken in any order, and we encourage you to choose a class on a topic that’s interesting to you. The teacher will guide you through a communicative task, like introducing yourself or complaining about a problem with a service, so think about what you would like to learn how to do.

Signing up for a class is as simple as clicking on the name of the class and then the Book Class button. You can do this from your Homeroom or from the schedule on the Immerse website.

When it’s time for your class to start, come back to your Homeroom, make sure the Learn tab is open, and click the Join Class button on the mirror in front of you. You’ll be transported to a highly interactive virtual scene where a live teacher will guide you and your fellow learners through a series of fun, active language learning activities. 

Build communication skills by talking to real people in Immerse lessons.

Your teacher will start with the vocabulary and sentence structures for the communication task that the lesson is focused on. Then, you’ll get help using them to talk to others in the class. 

It’s a low-stress, enjoyable way to learn, and by the end of class you’ll be saying new things in the language on your own.

After each lesson, you’ll have the opportunity to stay and practice for 10 additional minutes in the virtual scene. Take advantage of that! Move around the space, use your scanner to scan for new vocabulary, and practice with the other learners who stayed.

Three Immerse avatars discussing a portrait in the Immerse virtual art gallery.
Virtual scenes let you practice in context.

Trying out the AI-powered practice scenes

If your class isn’t about to start, or if you want to build a little speaking confidence before joining lessons, try out the AI-powered practice scenes. These are available 24/7, so there’s always a place to go when you want to practice.

When you open the Practice tab in your Homeroom, a selection of scenes will appear on the right-hand side. Choose a setting that you would like to learn to communicate in, like the Home, a Doctors Office, or a Fast Food restaurant. 

A virtual doctors office where two Immerse avatars are talking to an AI avatar with a dialogue screen next to him.
You can practice with AI-powered conversation partners alone or with other learners.

You can choose to visit the scene alone or publicly, and once there you can find an AI avatar and pick a conversation topic at your level.

The AI avatars will help you in a variety of ways. They can understand what you say in any language, so if you’re not sure how to express yourself, just speak your own language and it will automatically be translated. You’ll see a dialogue screen with a transcript of everything you and your AI partner talk about, and you can click on any word to get a translation and example sentences.

 It’s a great way to learn the words that you would personally use in a real conversation in that setting.

Step 4: Decide your learning path

Once you’ve tried out the lessons and AI conversation partners, it’s time to think about how much time you want to spend each week on language learning. The more hours you invest each week, the sooner you’ll become fluent. 

But it’s not a race - be sure to set a pace that feels comfortable to you. Immerse is designed for maximum flexibility, so you can put in more hours when you have the time and fewer hours when life gets busy. The important thing is just to keep moving forward.

You can also think about which kinds of learning work best for you. If you like to ask a lot of questions, sign up for more classes. If you just want to practice having conversations, spend more time with the AI practice scenes and drop into some Connect Events. If you need to build up your vocabulary, spend a little time with the language games in the Commons each day.

Immerse avatars shooting arrows at Spanish vocabulary targets.
Physical movement and sensory experience improve vocabulary learning.

Remember, everyone’s needs are a little different. 

Immerse gives you maximum flexibility so you can personalize your learning. 

Think about what you want to learn, how you prefer learning, and when your best learning times are, and let that guide you in determining your path to fluency with Immerse.

Check out helpful articles on using Immerse at our Support Center.

A banner that says Immerse Start your free 14-day trial today and shows a thumbs up in front of a shelf filled with books, flags, a globe, and a Quest 3 VR headset