Last Updated: November 16, 2023

Immerse insights:

  • The more you interact with people and objects during your live VR language lessons, the more you learn
  • Brain scans of adults learning foreign languages through social interaction look a lot like the brain scans of kids learning their first language
  • Taking selfies in VR helps jog your memory later and helps you remember everything you learne

Immerse is a one-of-a-kind language learning platform, available on Quest headsets or directly from the Chrome browser on your computer for those without headsets. Our live live events, small-group classes with expert instructors, games, and AI-powered conversation partners all tap into the power of VR to bring language immersion right to you, wherever you are (even if you don't have a VR headset).

How do I get the most out of my Immerse language lessons?

When you attend classes and events in Immerse, you are tapping into the power of embodied cognition and social learning.

This means the more you engage, the more you learn.

Here are some tips for maximizing your learning in your VR French, Spanish, or English lessons:

1. Throw yourself into the experience

Engaging with the environment heightens your sense of “presence,” the feeling that your virtual surroundings are real. Research shows that presence leads to improved language acquisition. Even just interacting with objects in VR improves vocabulary learning!

A group of avatars standing in front of a sailboat in shallow water in a virtual tropical beach
Jump right into virtual lessons in Immerse

2. Socialize

Interaction is the most effective way to master a language. The more you talk, the more fluent you get. Recent brain research shows that your brain is much more active when you learn a language through social interaction. In fact, brain scans of adults learning foreign vocabulary in social contexts look more like the brains of kids learning their first language!

3. Say cheese

There’s a camera in your backpack, so take lots of pictures! Grab shots of all the objects you talked about, and snap some selfies with the other Members in your lesson. Looking at the pictures later will jog your memory and refresh the lesson in your brain.

What else can I do to boost my language learning?

Check out our other blogs for tips on making the most of VR language learning before and after your lesson, too!

A banner that says Immerse: Start your free 14-day trial today and shows a thumbs up in front of a shelf filled with books, flags, a globe, and a Quest 3 VR headset