Nos recherches

Immerse is backed by rigorous research. Since 2019, we have been partnering with universities around the world to advance our understanding of VR, AI and language learning and to evaluate the efficacy of our platform. We have partnered with researchers from 30+ universities to conduct 23 external studies. We also have 20 research studies that are currently in progress.

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Nos partenaires de recherche

Nos partenaires mondiaux font avancer la recherche sur l'apprentissage immersif des langues

Our Global Research Partners

Our global partners advancing research in immersive language learning

Research Highlights

Immerse is committed to highlighting the research being conducted by our university partners. Below are some of their most recent findings.


improvement in english scores

Kyung Hee University found that Korean elementary school kids more than doubled their English scores in Immerse.


FASTER THAN traditional methods

Aoyama Gaukin University found that Japanese learners' English speaking skills increased 9x faster in Immerse when compared to traditional classroom learning.


LESS anxiety and Improved speaking

Chuo University found that  98.8% of students reported lower foreign language anxiety and improved speaking skills after just two hours of learning in Immerse.

Published Research

Immerse is committed to understanding how VR can improve language learning. Below, you can find a collection of the latest research carried out by our University Research Partners.

Become an Immerse Research Partner

We welcome applications from educational institutions and individuals who would like to conduct research studies on VR and language learning.

Apply Now

Currently, we are interested in partnering with researchers who would like to conduct studies in the following areas:

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Learning outcomes in Immerse compared to other learning contexts (control/experimental studies only)

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Learning outcomes in Immerse’s desktop vs. VR application (control / experimental studies only)

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How Immerse's AI-Powered Avatars impact learning

Rencontrez l'équipe pédagogique

Rencontrez les esprits qui dirigent nos initiatives de recherche internes

Tricia Thrasher

Research Manager

Misty Wilson

Head of Education and Customer Support

Christina Cavage

Curriculum and Assessment Manager

présentations de symposiums de recherche

Conclusions de recherche

Un aperçu des recherches en cours menées par chacun de nos partenaires

un mot de la part de nos partenaires


Découvrez l'impact positif de nos recherches

Earth and Rocket ImageEarth and Rocket Image

Soutien apporté à nos partenaires de recherche

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Des commentaires et des conseils lors du choix des méthodologies de recherche pour votre projet.

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Accès gratuit à la plateforme Immerse pendant toute la durée du projet de recherche.

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Supports de formation pour enseignants et étudiants (guides PDF, vidéos, etc.) qui montrent comment utiliser l'application.

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Suggestions concernant les endroits où faire une demande de financement de recherche et les personnes à contacter dans votre université pour obtenir de l'aide. (Malheureusement, nous ne pouvons pas fournir de matériel de réalité virtuelle ni financer des recherches.)

Devenez un partenaire de recherche

Cliquez sur « Appliquer » et remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous. Nous vous recontacterons dès que possible.